11th July
5:05 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:45 sunset↓ (237°)
David Lloyd Barmbek

08:00 – 11:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships/staff
Scene – Gymfloor

11:00 – 12:30
Casting needs: 1-2 Memberships + real class attendance
Scene – Mobility & Stretch – STUDIO HIGH IMPACT LOFT

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
14:00 – 17:00
Lofts without people (wide shots)
Kiel, Michel, Barmbek -> Like capex shots, areas without people
Am Michel & Kiel – all areas (we never had a shoot there)
– Fitbar, Gym, Spa, Lofts, Outside17:00 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.
12th July
5:06 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:44 sunset↓ (237°)
David Lloyd Wandsbeck

08:00 – 11:00
Casting needs: 2-3 Memberships/staff
Scene – Locker rooms

11:00 – 12:30
Casting needs: 1-2 Memberships + real class attendance
Scene – Gym floor

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
14:00 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.
13th July
5:07 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:43 sunset↓ (237°)
David Lloyd Wandsbeck

08:00 – 11:00
Casting needs: 2-3 Memberships + class attendance
Scene – BLAZE Studio Blaze class at 9:00

11:00 – 12:30
Casting needs: 3 older Memberships
Scene – Poolside spa

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
14:00 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.
14th July
5:08 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:42 sunset↓ (237°)
David Lloyd Kiel

08:00 – 11:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships all ages/staff
Scene – Gymfloor

11:00 – 12:30
Casting needs: 3-4 all ages Memberships
Scene – Sauna

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
14:00 – 17:00
Lofts without people (wide shots)
Kiel, Michel, Barmbek -> Like capex shots, areas without people
Am Michel & Kiel – all areas (we never had a shoot there)
– Fitbar, Gym, Spa, Lofts, Outside17:00 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.
15th July
5:09 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:41 sunset↓ (237°)
David Lloyd AmMichel

08:00 – 12:30
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships all ages/staff
Scene – Boxing scene and gymfloor

12:30 – 14:00
Casting needs: 1-2 all ages Memberships + class attendance
Scene – Aqua Cardio class – Studio Pool
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
14:00 – 17:00
Lofts without people (wide shots)
Kiel, Michel, Barmbek -> Like capex shots, areas without people
Am Michel & Kiel – all areas (we never had a shoot there)
– Fitbar, Gym, Spa, Lofts, Outside17:00 – 18:30
Casting needs: 2-3 Memberships + class attendance
Scene – Zumba scene – 18:00 Studio Loft

18:30 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.
16th July
5:10 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:40 sunset↓ (237°)
David Lloyd Eppendorf

08:00 – 11:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships all ages/staff
Scene – Gymfloor

11:00 – 12:30
Casting needs: 3-4 all ages Memberships
Scene – Relaxed after workout

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
14:00 – 15:00
Meridini Kids
Lofts without people (wide shots)
Kiel, Michel, Barmbek -> Like capex shots, areas without people
Am Michel & Kiel – all areas (we never had a shoot there)
– Fitbar, Gym, Spa, Lofts, Outside17:00 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.
17th July
5:11 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:39 sunset↓ (237°)
David Lloyd Alstertal

08:00 – 11:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships all ages/staff
Scene – Gymfloor

11:00 – 12:30
Casting needs: 3-4 all ages Memberships
Scene – Relaxed after workout

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
14:00 – 15:00
Lofts without people (wide shots)
Kiel, Michel, Barmbek -> Like capex shots, areas without people
Am Michel & Kiel – all areas (we never had a shoot there)
– Fitbar, Gym, Spa, Lofts, Outside17:00 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.
19th July
5:12 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:38 sunset↓ (237°)
David Lloyd Berlin

08:00 – 11:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships all ages/staff
Scene – CheckIn Process and gymfloor

11:00 – 12:30
Casting needs: 3-4 all ages Memberships
Scene – Group class – 12:00 Oriental Class High Impact loft studio

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
14:00 – 15:00
Lofts without people (wide shots)
Kiel, Michel, Barmbek -> Like capex shots, areas without people
Am Michel & Kiel – all areas (we never had a shoot there)
– Fitbar, Gym, Spa, Lofts, Outside17:00 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.
21st July
5:13 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:37 sunset↓ (237°)
David Lloyd Frankfurt

08:00 – 11:00
Casting needs: 1-2 Memberships all ages/staff
Scene – Yoga scene

11:00 – 12:30
Casting needs: 1-2 all ages Memberships + class attendance
Scene – Group class – 11:00 Aqua Workout
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
14:00 – 15:00
Lofts without people (wide shots)
Kiel, Michel, Barmbek -> Like capex shots, areas without people
Am Michel & Kiel – all areas (we never had a shoot there)
– Fitbar, Gym, Spa, Lofts, Outside17:00 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.
22nd July
5:14 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:36 sunset↓ (237°)
David Lloyd Frankfurt/Bad Homburg

08:00 – 11:00
Casting needs: 1-2 Memberships all ages/staff + class attendance
Scene – Cyclone scene

11:30 – 12:30
Casting needs: 1-2 Memberships all ages/staff + class attendance
Scene – Spirit Scene – Studio Spirit loft
12:30 – 13:00
Casting needs: 1-2 Memberships all ages/staff + class attendance
Scene – Ballet workout scene – Studio Loft 1
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
15:00 – 16:00
Casting needs: 1-2 Memberships all ages/staff + class attendance
Scene – Pilates scene – Studio Spirit
17:00 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.
23rd July
5:15 sunrise↑ (123°) 21:35 sunset↓ (237°)
Bad Homburg

08:00 – 11:00
Casting needs: 2-3 Memberships all ages/staff
Scene – Club and family scene

11:30 – 13:00

Casting needs: 2-3 Memberships all ages/staff
Scene – Spa scene
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break for the team
14:00 – 17:00
Casting needs: 1-2 Memberships all ages/staff + class attendance
Scene – Tennis scene
17:00 – 21:00
Casting needs: 3-4 Memberships
Scene – Additional scenes
- Inside Saunas, Kneippbecken (hot/cold pool where you walk in), Steam room, outdoor areas
- Face & Body – Massages, Treatments, Cosmetic, Cabin, Reception
- Studios (Lofts) / Classes – especially Body & Mind, Spirit, High Impact
- Gym Areas – more machines than functional, cardio machines, stairmaster etc.
- Theragun, Five Konzept, E Gym & E Gym Hub
- Personal Training, PT Situations, sessions, over 50 year old Personal trainer (like UK model)
- Clubiness images, people standing together, greeting each other
- Clubroom, People sitting together, eating together, drinking coffee and drinks together – more generations
- People + Service in interaction
- Meridini, Meridini Kids, Babies + Kids
Staff – Clubroom staff / face & body staff / receptionists / floor worker etc.